中小學非華語學生中文學習表現分析 (2017, 2018, 2019, 2020 與 2021 年度) title

中小學非華語學生中文學習表現分析 (2017, 2018, 2019, 2020 與 2021 年度)

  • 研究年期:2020-11-01 - 2021-11-30
  • 經費來源:教育局教育統籌委員會及策劃分部
  • 首席研究員:許守仁
  • 研究員:林葦葉, 吳鴻偉, 朱玥

The CACLER has continuously raised its own profile by enhancing the policy impact through extensive high-quality research. Mention must be made on the eighth rounds of in-depth analyses service since 2014 on the scripts covering 4 key stages (Primary 1 to Secondary 6) sampled from schools’ use of the "Chinese Language Assessment Tools for NCS students" in conjunction with the "Learning Framework"[1] with a view to investigate Chinese language performance of NCS students in reading and writing domains. The analyses in this year will need to facilitate the consolidation and comparison of data and findings of previous analyses from 2013/14 to 2020/21 with supporting data and evidence to track the learning progress.

The cross-year report, one of the deliverables, will help the policy maker to identify trends / gaps and areas of strengths and weaknesses of NCS Students in general in learning the Chinese language at each key stage, as compared to the basic competencies of typical Chinese-speaking students in terms of what they could do in the domains of writing and reading Chinese for each ability group broadly referred to as High, Medium and Low on a territory-wide basis in Chinese proficiency at each of Key Stage (Primary 1 to Secondary 6). It will also provide recommendations for relevant key stakeholders of the public school sector and policy implications, if any.

The Project Team is required to provide services on analysing the scripts covering 4 key stages (P1 to S6) sampled from schools' use of the "Assessment Tools" in the 2020/21 school year, compare NCS Students' performance in the current school year with previous cohorts since 2013/14, and conduct a Case Study to achieve the following objectives:

(i) To understand the overall performance and track the progress of NCS Students in learning the Chinese language under the enhanced support measures;

(ii) To identify trends/gaps and areas of strengths and weaknesses of NCS Students in learning Chinese in general;

(iii) To raise recommendations for relevant key stakeholders of the public school sector and policy implications at the system level; and

(iv) To identify effective school practices in enhancing NCS Students' learning effectiveness in learning Chinese and the contributing factors thereof for reference of other schools.

This is the eigth round of this analyses service project since 2014, which was led by Prof. SK Tse in the first three rounds (2014, 2015 & 2016)Prof. SK Tse in the first three rounds (2014, 2015 & 2016) and then by Dr. SY Hui starting from 2017.

Dr. Rex Ng and Dr. Celinda Chu joined the Project as co-investigators since 2021.

[1] "Learning Framework" refers to "Chinese Language Curriculum Second Language Learning Framework".