(QTN-KG) Quality Education Fund Thematic Network on Utilising “Chinese Language Learning Progression Framework for Non-Chinese Speaking Children in Kindergartens in Hong Kong” for Effective Chinese Learning in 2017/18, 2018/19 And 2019/20 School Year title

(QTN-KG) Quality Education Fund Thematic Network on Utilising “Chinese Language Learning Progression Framework for Non-Chinese Speaking Children in Kindergartens in Hong Kong” for Effective Chinese Learning in 2017/18, 2018/19 And 2019/20 School Year

  • 研究年期:2017-09-01 - 2020-08-01
  • 經費來源:Quality Education Fund
  • 首席研究員:許守仁
  • 研究員:林葦葉

Quality Education Fund (QEF) Thematic Network on Utilising “Chinese Language Learning Progression Framework for Non-Chinese Speaking Children in Kindergartens in Hong Kong” for Effective Chinese Learning in 2017/18, 2018/192019/20 School Year [Ref: EDB/QEF 34/17]

The Project aims at enhancing teachers’ capacity in strengthening NCS preschoolers’ Chinese proficiency through adopting “Chinese Language Learning Progression Framework for Non-Chinese Speaking Children in Kindergartens” (the Framework). It include equipping teachers to utilize the Framework to (a) build up and adjust the school-based curriculum; (b) cater for students’ learning diversity; and (c) diagnose the learning difficulties encountered by the NCS students. The Project will work with 16 kindergartens altogether in achieving the above goals.

This three-year thematic series has successfully completed in August 2020. During the three-year project period, the Centre is as an education hub in to disseminate good practices and impactful outcomes derived from our previous QEF project entitled ‘Development of Chinese Language Learning Progression Framework for Non-Chinese Speaking (NCS) Children in Kindergartens in Hong Kong (2013/0076)’ QEF project entitled ‘Development of Chinese Language Learning Progression Framework for Non-Chinese Speaking (NCS) Children in Kindergartens in Hong Kong (2013/0076)’ and promote professional sharing through networking 32 kindergartens (school times) in Hong Kong.

(Website) http://kglpf.cacler.hku.hk/

(Android) https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=io.cordova.hkuapphttps://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=io.cordova.hkuapp

(iOS) https://itunes.apple.com/hk/app/https://itunes.apple.com/hk/app/非華語幼兒語文能力評估非華語幼兒語文能力評估/id1382491937?mt=8&ign-mpt=/id1382491937?mt=8&ign-mpt=uouo=2=2


This is the second thematic series after the CACLER had successfully completed the five-year ‘Quality Education Fund (QEF) Thematic Network on Chinese Language’ from 2011 to 2016.


The QEF Thematic Network was initiated in 2006 to disseminate good practices derived from QEF projects and promote professional sharing through networking different schools and educational bodies.

QEF website: https://qcrc.qef.org.hk/en/fund/activity.php?cate=4https://qcrc.qef.org.hk/en/fund/activity.php?cate=4