-- Oral presentation (approx. 20-30 mins each)
-- Poster presentation (approx. 10 mins each) #
-- Postgraduate Student Forum (approx. 20-30 mins each)
* According to the review result, the conference organizing committee will allocate the accepted abstract proposals to either oral presentation, poster presentation or presentation at postgraduate student forum as if appropriate.
# For details of poster presentation, please refer to the document (Link~)
-- Presentations will be conducted mainly in either Chinese (Mandarin) or English.
-- Please note that the Conference Organizer will not provide interpretation service. Presenters may arrange their interpreters on their own if so wish. The whole presentation, including interpretation, if any, should be finished within the time limit.
-- For those presentations conducted in English / Korean / Japanese / Vietnamese, his/her ppt should be supplemented with Chinese for reference. For those presentations conducted in Chinese, his/her ppt should be supplemented with English for reference.